I've been using this for a little while and the results are pretty satifying!
1st i've started with LikeUb, i've wanted to get a hundred likes for my page, and by using this i've discovered some great way to use it (not just to increase your page fans).
- add several pages or links
the more page or links you have, the more likes, views or backlinks you will get
- pause most of your pages or links
If you pause most of these links or pages you've just added, the active one will get way more likes in a day!
- build a scheldule
If you don't do this you may end up spending all ur time on it. Only 20mn per day will be great. (don't try to do it twice a day, it really doesn't worth it)
you can use between 1 to 5 points for each likes but... there's no need to choose greater than 1. because you'll still have much of likes and there's no need to rush.
.You can sign up for free right away:
- http://www.likeub.com/?r=4393410 like pages or links and get likes.
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